Saturday, January 10, 2009


This year... my only real resolution is to try to be true to the things I've decided are most important. Every day. I'll slip sometimes, but there will always be the next day to try again. The baby steps approach is always the most effective anyway. A little every day makes a lifestyle, rather than a do or die resolution of change and possible deprivation.

So my resolution is just this: Be true. That in turn will help me to be better, to become more the person I am making myself into. Some of the principles I want to work towards:

Saying what I feel, honestly, more often. (This is the personal growth goal. I often keep all of the wrong things to myself, haha, surprising since I talk so much... but it's true.) As a good friend put it: Less Blame and More Love. I'm always reticent about expressing love for some reason, but quick to share a judgment.
Doing more with less. (This is the green goal. Ex: Moving to more environmentally friendly products as I run out of what I already have - such as vinegar and baking soda as cleaning agents, resale shopping for clothes when I actually need an item, and many other examples from my new little book, etc.)
Working toward my big goals at least a little every day. (This is the life achievement goal.) This should help with the apathy and procrastination. 10 minutes a day doesn't seem like much, but it adds up. Again following a friends statement of: Less Apathy, More Motivation.
Taking care of myself first, others second. (This is the maintenance goal that makes all the others possible.) It sounds selfish, but when I'm off kilter I only give negative energy back into the world. I've noticed that's just the way I am, so it's important that I make time for me to do the things that matter to me - blog, exercise, working toward my life goals, eating right, playing and laughing enough, getting enough time with the right people, painting, and reading. Confidence is self-acceptance for me, and I'm going to work on that some more as well.

For me my life is about trying to do what good I can with what I have been given. I want to try to overcome what medically have seemed like some of my worst years, as well as some of the other challenges of the past 3 years. I'm not going to chase happiness and contentment - they're not entirely natural states for me to be in and they're so elusive when you look for them specifically. I find pockets of them when I am happy with myself, with my progress, and with my impact. So those will be my focus. Here's to being true, to whatever it is that moves you!

At this exact moment: I have a cold and 580 things in my reader to catch up on, haha, perhaps this cold is providence. No way would I have stopped trying to write and work if this thing wasn't holding me down and kicking me. So here I come my friends! Comments will be spewing forth very soon!

1 comment:

  1. I can applaud all of those :) Especially expressing yourself more, and taking care of yourself. I don't think it's selfish at all - if you're not taking care of yourself, you won't be in the right state to be able to help anyone else
