Monday, March 16, 2009

Someday over the rainbow...

One day, perhaps, this place won't be full of so much angsty crap. Soon would be nice. But don't worry about me, I'm actually feeling pretty fine. Painting helps so much, so do the wonderful comments I have gotten (you know who you are!) and the general knowledge that life goes on (and then you die). Maybe the next HNT (since I have missed so many now) will feature both the latest painting and me? I'll try.

Recent research has shown (I read this in a Psych pub) that knowing when an experience will end - that it is a finite experience - makes us value it more. Oh my, what does that say about relationships?

I have noticed in re-reading my posts that I am the queen of run on sentences. What can I say, I think in them. That makes avoiding writing them in personal narratives so damn hard. I apologize both for my grammar and my disjointed sometimes jumbly blather. I am apologizing both to you - and to me.

The End.

1 comment:

  1. I have to question that psych sound bite. You know a test, or a dental examination, or a driver's license test, is finite. Do you value those more than an ongoing relationship?

    Don't worry about run-on sentences, since most of us in the blogging world think the same way, in long, rambling strings of words that sometimes have no point, so we have no problems relating to another who does the same thing, pretty much.
