Tuesday, November 11, 2008


Things have been better lately in general with my boyfriendtypeperson, SP. However, we're on different pages when it comes to how we deal with stress. I want sex, all the time. When I get stressed I want it to be harder - more mind destroying - and I want it more. That could be translated to more often or just more mind blowing. It's on my mind constantly. Masturbation is still nice, but it isn't the same. I can still think when I do that, I need sex when I'm this stressed.

Him? Not so much. He'd likely choose not at all when he's stressed. He'd choose TV first. A movie. Going out with friends. Getting too drunk when he does go out to really want to have sex later. Seriously, who doesn't pause a movie if their girlfriend gets horny during it? My boyfriendtypeperson doesn't.

And I don't know how to deal with it, I've gone through this before with him. It gets old coming onto someone to no effect, or feeling like I have to talk him into it. It gets old only getting sex when I pursue. It gets old FAST too, three days of this and I'm getting angry and wishing I had an open relationship. Lately it seems like the only guarantee is if I wear something intentionally provocative (and not just a sexy outfit but a costume or explicit lingerie or an apron with nothing but tall socks, you get the idea). Even if he is the aggressor when I am wearing that, I still did the work of being provocative, and while it's FUN work, it is work sometimes. The whole thing gives me some small twinges of occasional feelings of being a 'bad' kind of dirty pervy person, just like I would feel anytime I was trying to seduce someone who seems unwilling. That's not ok with me. Consent, consent, consent.

My inner two year old is pissed off. She's being denied what she wants and she wants to stomp her foot and say, "I am not seeing you again unless you guarantee me what I want." That doesn't seem very productive though, or fair, or like an adult reaction in an adult relationship. My inner two year doesn't care.

I have said how I am. I have said what I want. I have said it many times. I have tried being more aggressive, it works when I wear the clothes, it doesn't seem to work when I don't. That makes me wonder if he doesn't have sex with me because he has to or it would be very rude, when I clearly put that on the agenda with the outfit. I've asked if that's true, he laughed at me but didn't really answer.

This crucial difference in style is one of the ways I don't feel we are compatible. I don't want to date someone hornier than I am, because I would hate to be turning them down all the time. So in reverse, I don't understand how this is for him, and he doesn't tell me, even if I ask. Holy hell, am I - ME - dating a prude?! How could I let this happen???

This frustration is why I've had so much time to be here lately, which is nice, but sad.


  1. Mmm, sounds frustrating... Reminds me of me and my ex (the Rationalist). When I'm stressed I sometimes REALLY want a lot of sex... masturbation can help relax me but only a little bit... and when he had a lot of work or was stressed he wanted no sex at ALL.

    Difficult situation... you can't exactly force him to do something he doesn't want to do, but then it's not fair for you to be deprived, either. I'd say either compromise and find a level that sort-of works for the both of you, find a way to open the relationship, or find an alternative to actual penetrative sex when he doesn't really feel like it but you do.

  2. A man's perspective: when I am stressed, I find it difficult to achieve an erection. Now I am probably quite a bit older than SP, but I suspect the same factor is at work--when he's not at ease, it's more difficult for him to perform.

    Try a relaxing massage, kind words, a bath together . . . something you can both enjoy. If he still insists on sitting inert in front of the TV, perhaps your inner two-year-old should take you by the hand and lead you to a more compatible playmate.

  3. Yeh like he ^^^^ said, it's more a bloke thing. When I'm tired or stressed it takes a superhuman effort to alter my mental state towards sexual exploits. Efforts by my other half are almost always unwanted, I've never really understood it and I hate how easily an externally created stress or annoyance can alter my own state and partners ability to pursue sexual fulfilment.

    Only relaxation and calmness can re-awaken my desires when stress is high. Maybe it might work for you, chill out your man, let him unwind however he does it best and the goodies may well come rolling back to you in spades :)

  4. Thanks for the insight girl and men! I do really appreciate the male perspective on this one especially. I try very hard to be understanding, it's sad but avoiding sleeping over when he's super stressed might be better for both of us.
