Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Sexy Conversations....Safeword anyone?

I have to say I feel like this blog is giving me part of myself back again. I shut down a lot of my sexuality due to some extreme things that occurred when I moved here.... I feel like I'm in touch with myself so much deeper. I'm finding my footing again with all the parts of me I was ignoring. I'm living as myself with no masks a lot easier. My skin fits better, if that makes sense. Even with the sleep issues and everything that comes with them, I feel so much more like the self I know and love. Thank you blog, I love you. So once again it seems like sexual things and conversations happen around me, I'm sure any other sexually open people will understand.

Some fun recent examples of my sexy influence:
- Two weeks ago at a party we had a long discussion about how best to handle sex education with your kids. I managed to convince quite a few fairly conservative women that being open from babyhood is the way to go. That allowing your child to explore their body without shame, though in privacy, is important. Allow masturbation in privacy and moderation. Encourage educating themselves with you and alone from a young age. I was honestly a little humbled by the fact that they all listened and felt my arguments were entirely appropriate and convincing. I don't consider myself persuasive, but somehow I was told I come across as a sexpert... weird.
- I also then explained tentacle, anime, manga, yaoi, and other types of porn to a large group of guys. I don't know why this happened. Oh and some other devices used for women's sexual satisfaction....
- Finally I lead a discussion on vibrators and masturbation with the previous group of women... there are so many funny ideas out there about these things.
- I also explained some of the issues with theories on orientation, sex offenders, and fetishes. In the course of this I 'came out' to a couple of people who I guess didn't know I consider myself bisexual either.

Through that entire night I remember thinking that I hoped I was representing those like Essin' Em well - those whose opinions are so well informed and thought out -.... and espousing open and tolerant views where appropriate properly. It was a little scary and yet really nice to talk openly about all of these things. It's been so long since I've been around people who did I almost forgot what it feels like. I know I'm viewed as extremely sexual compared to a lot of them, but I bet I'm not THAT much more. They just don't embrace it so deeply.

- At a party this weekend I got solicited regarding how I handle my own personal urges... and then was given a very vocal recount of someone's bedroom preferences. She likes to be tied up, she likes to watch sub/dom stuff. I've been living here for 2+ years now and never heard another person utter half of those words besides me, it was GREAT! So I recommended a new vibe and a subdomain of kink.com. And some of the writing I've been reading.
- I also compared nipples and got to feel DD boobs! I got to reassure them both that they're normal in how different they are and that they're both gorgeous. A nice side effect sometimes of being bi with straight women around, they believe what you say about their bodies when they wouldn't if you were just a friend and they thought you were just being nice. I love women. I love when women love their bodies. It's just beautiful.
- Then because all of this was on my mind... I made a joke about needing a safe word just to hear my thoughts to my boyfriend, and now there's been a return comment about using the weight machine for more primal satisfaction. With restraints involved. I have always wanted to be tied up, but have never trusted anyone enough. I've said before that there is something about him... I am SO excited about this idea. In fact, it gave me a very interesting mental image that I hope to turn into a HNT at some point....

That of course got me thinking.. what in the hell would I use as a safeword?? I wouldn't want it to be something that entirely pulled me out of the scene, but it can't be anything I might say either. It also needs to be something I'd think of easily in moments of extreme cognitive impairment.... I have no idea, but I'm betting I should think one up SOON. And that idea is sending delightful warmth through my body....


  1. Safeword: your middle name?

    Finding people you can discuss sex with is great. It's absurd to draw a conversational veil around this most basic of human desires.

  2. I'm so glad you got a chance to talk with people in the real world about all this. Isn't it empowering? And I have no doubt you represented Em well, you brilliant, beautiful thing, you.

    And kudos to the optimism and getting to explore with SP! As far as safewords go, I'm a fan of the stoplight system: Red means stop everything, something is wrong... but yellow means I'm getting nervous and maybe slow down or check in with me. But this also gives you the option of green, which can be used for things you didn't think you'd like, but are actually really enjoying and maybe want some more. (Provided, of course, your top wants to give you that, hehehe.) I like the simplicity of that system, and I don't feel as silly crying out "yellow!" as I do something entirely random.

    Have a fabulous weekend my dear... I'm off to Ireland to forget all my problems for a few days. lessthanthree.

  3. All of that sounds awesome =) And what's this? Being restrained? I'm guessing you haven't done much along those lines before (have you..?) I'm jealous!

    Hmm, sadly can't give much advice about the safewords...
